Thursday, 5 December 2013

Online mutual mentorship for GPs

Why do I need online mutual mentorship?
How would such a group discuss cases?
Where? Which social media platform should I use?
How-to operate a group - or at least how we plan to do it


Lindsay andrews said...

Okay so I am not a GP but I work in a field of nursing that takes supervision very seriously. For supervision to work well you will need a few tools in the toolkit! An understanding of the key components , ie the ingredients that make up supervision - these are that it is 1 formative ( develops the supervisee) 2. Restorative - in that it pays attention to the emotional toil of the work we do when working in caring professions 3. Normative- it brings into focus the must do' s policy, NICE guidance, legislation, rules regulations etc that relate to the supervisory discussion.
Look at supervision models that fit well with the work you do-
Look up the work Kings fund are currently doing on Schwartz centre rounds
Group blogging might work or closed Facebook group but online supervision is not my area of expertise- just heard of something called ROCK yammer today - May be worth looking at
Wish you luck with this new venture

John Cosgrove said...

Thanks for your tips, Lindsay. Very helpful. How much overlap with the very normative annual appraisal for revalidation is required, I wonder?

Roofing Contractors Illinois said...

Helllo mate nice post