Saturday, 24 November 2018

Notes from RCGP Council meeting 24 November 2018


Council voted to support a People's Vote on Brexit. I spoke in favour of this motion:

I had seconded a motion passed by Council in September 2018 setting out the risks to quality care in general practice. Accepting the two statements in today's motion proposed by Margaret McCartney and John Chisholm is therefore the only logical position for RCGP to adopt. Will adopting this position make a difference? It is certainly highly unlikely to have zero impact and, in collaboration with other bodies, may well have a very constructive impact.

Other matters

Within an otherwise full agenda, Council also considered a future vision for general practice (the product of over 2,000 submissions from members) and a policy statement on out of hours and urgent care.

Chair of Trustee Board

Nigel Mathers (previous Hon. Secretary) introduced himself to Council as the new Chair of Trustee Board. This is an important position as trustees have a big impact on members' experience of RCGP. I look forward to his leadership as "millenials" become a larger component of our membership.